What time is it in St Martin? Time difference compared to main cities

time st maarten now

St. Martin is a unique destination in the Caribbean. To make the most of your visit, choosing the best way to get around the island is essential.

This guide covers the most convenient and luxurious transportation options, from renting high-end cars to exclusive yacht experiences. Plus, we’ll include examples of the top companies offering these services.

sunrise st martin

What time is it in St Martin right now?

Now in St Maarten is…

St martin time difference compared to main cities around the world

Here you can check the current time from each main city and the difference from Saint Maarten. If you want to check a specific city, just press Ctrl+ F and write the city’s name:

City Current Time Difference from Saint Martin (Hours)

Saint Maarten time zone

Saint Martin is located in the Atlantic Standard Time (AST) zone, which operates at UTC-4 hours year-round.

Unlike many other regions, Saint Martin does not observe Daylight Saving Time, meaning that the time remains consistent throughout the year without any shifts forward or backward.

This stable time zone is particularly convenient for travelers, as they can plan activities without worrying about seasonal time changes.

st martin time zone

Thanks to its fixed time zone, Saint Martin’s time is typically the same as cities like Puerto Rico and parts of the Caribbean, but it varies when compared to regions that observe Daylight Saving Time, like Europe.

During the winter, Saint Martin is in sync with Eastern Standard Time (EST), while in the summer, it aligns with Central Daylight Time (CDT).

Whether you’re coordinating travel plans, booking activities, or keeping in touch with loved ones, understanding Saint Martin’s consistent AST time zone will help you make the most of your experience in this beautiful Caribbean paradise.

Saint Martin sunset and sunrise right now

Right now, the sunrise and sunset time in St Martin is:

Sunrise: Loading...
Sunset: Loading...
sunset st maarten
Catamaran anchored at St Martin during the sunset

Saint Martin and Its Climate Throughout the Day

Morning (6:00 to 11:00 a.m.)

Mornings in Saint Martin are the coolest part of the day, with gentle breezes and temperatures around 24-27°C (75-80°F). It’s an ideal time for water activities like snorkeling and paddleboarding or outdoor hikes, as the sun is still low and the weather is comfortable.

Midday and Early Afternoon (12:00 to 3:00 p.m.)

As the sun peaks, temperatures rise to around 28-31°C (82-88°F), making this a great time to relax on the beach or have a shaded outdoor meal. Frequent sunscreen and hydration are recommended. If avoiding the heat, consider browsing local shops or enjoying lunch indoors.

Late Afternoon and Sunset (4:00 to 7:00 p.m.)

Temperatures cool slightly as the sun sets, bringing a refreshing breeze. This is a perfect time for a sunset walk or catamaran cruise to watch Saint Martin’s stunning sunsets, or to enjoy an early dinner outdoors as the sky fills with pink and gold hues.

Night (8:00 p.m. onward)

Evenings remain warm, between 24-27°C (75-80°F), with a pleasant Caribbean breeze. Nighttime in Saint Martin is ideal for enjoying dinner under the stars or exploring the island’s lively nightlife, as most restaurants and clubs stay open late.

Alisson is the co-founder of PyratZ. She’s an office guru and crew member at Pyratz Gourmet Sailing.

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